Welcome to JCAT-52 in Colmar!



The congress "Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis days, JCAT-52" will be held in Colmar, France, on June 15-17, 2022.

It is co-organized by the Institute of Material Science of Mulhouse (IS2M) and the Agroenvironmental Research and Development Center (RITTMO).

The 52nd edition of JCAT will take an international connotation: scientists worldwide will present their latest study based on calorimetry and thermal analysis techniques. After the JCAT-34, held in Mulhouse in 2003, we are glad to welcome this new edition of JCAT-52, and specifically invite participants from France, Germany, Switzerland, and from the EUCOR network (the European campus and the French Grand-East Region) to renew with collaborations for building international project consortium. Abstracts and presentations will be in English.

The congress' goal is to review and discuss the various research approaches and characterization methodologies based on calorimetry and thermal analysis techniques (DSC, DTA, TG...) alone, or linked to other analytical instruments, in material science. The main topics are:

- Biomass valorization

- Energy Storage

- Materials: organic, inorganic, and hybrids

Other topics will be of course accepted.

Previous to the conference, introductory courses (Short classes) will be also organized (15th of June morning). They are particularly adapted to PhD-students, young researcher and scientist starting to use calorimetry and thermal analysis for the first time. Young researchers interested in participating exclusively in the Short Classes can inscribe selecting in the Registration Fees section "Short Classes only".



Looking forward to see you in Colmar!


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