
IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From scientific concepts within the framework of fundamental research, through to technological solutions in the context of applied research, innovation is central to its activities, hinged around four strategic directions: climate, environment and circular economy – renewable energies – sustainable mobility – responsible oil and gas. As part of the public-interest mission with which it has been tasked by the public authorities, IFPEN focuses its efforts on bringing solutions to the challenges facing society and industry in terms of energy and the climate, to support the ecological transition. An integral part of IFPEN, IFP School, its graduate engineering school, prepares future generations to take up these challenges.
Institut Carnot MICA Institut Carnot MICA
The Carnot MICA institute helps the industrial partners in the development of their research projects (R&D) in connection with public laboratoiries and research centers.
Centre de Recherche & Développement pour les matières fertilisantes et la qualité des agrosystèmes
IUT Colmar IUT Colmar
L’Institut Universitaire et Technologique (IUT) de Colmar est une composante de l’Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA), une université fortement professionnalisante qui a fait de son environnement transfrontalier (Suisse et Allemagne) un atout majeur. Elle place l’innovation au cœur de ses priorités répondant ainsi aux exigences du monde professionnel et institutionnel.
The Mulhouse Materials Science Institute (IS2M) is a CNRS-University mixed research unit located in Haute-Alsace (UMR 7361). Because of its multidisciplinary character, its scientific impact and the way it interacts with other fields, the laboratory represents one of the structuring forces in the field of Materials and their applications in the academic and industrial world, both at regional and national level.
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